Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Tipping Point

I discovered this idea about putting together a book of Little Ideas that would inspire ordinary people everywhere to take simple ordinary actions every day that would give their lives more meaning.  And when combined with all the other ordinary actions taken by people all over the world could have a profound effect on our planet and humanity.

Shortly after I started working on this idea and keeping a blog on it I discovered the book The Tipping Point which has served to confirm my belief that if enough people tap into these Little Ideas we could reach The Tipping Point of The Shift everyone is talking about.

Malcolm Gladwell, the author of The Tipping Point says “We need to prepare ourselves for the possibility that sometimes big changes follow from small events, and that sometimes these changes can happen very quickly.”  In fact he goes on to say “change happens not gradually but at one dramatic moment.”  Mr Gladwell refers to a number of studies and a lot of scientific research in his book and in one case while referring to two studies he writes, “...little things can, apparently, make as much of a difference as big things.”

Actually, if you really think about it, this Little Idea philosophy is quite radical in a world where we have been encouraged to Think Big or as one slogan says Go Big or Go Home.  In fact this thinking is not that new because I remember reading a book at least ten years ago that was published in 1959 called The Magic of Thinking Big. 

While the Big Thinkers have served us well I think there is a vast majority that do not have the resources or maybe even the inclination to follow through even if they did think big.  In my next post I will write about these people – The Silent Majority – who I believe will be the Real Force, The Tipping Point of humanity towards The Shift.

1 comment:

  1. Great Blog Allan.

    Every belief, emotion, action and thought is energy with power to cause results. Cause and effect ... we choose our behaviour not the consequences. Born magnificent, conditioned into mediocrity, it's time to re-member our magnificence. When we align HeartMindBody with Authentic Love of Soul that we naturally are, we influence SOULutions. This natural and rare Shift of the Ages is an opportUNITY to unite in compassion, cooperation and Authetnic Love, the only true Power to smooth our journey into the heart of a New World Age and a greater destiny. A change of heart changes all.
