Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Four Personas of Change - # 4 - The Silent Majority

The Fourth Persona of Change is usually the one that gets the least press.  They are the group where no individual usually stands out.  They are the Silent Majority!

4-               Participators – This much larger group lends their labour, their love and their passion to the cause that was conceived by The Innovator and created by The Initiator.  For an Idea to have massive impact it must be conceived, created, then inspire the majority who will power it.  Most of The Silent Majority that I write about are in this group.  They want to do something.  They want to help and in many cases they just don’t know how.  Maybe they haven’t been exposed to a great motivator.  Maybe they have the ability to do something small but the motivator berates then for not doing enough or not thinking big enough. This group doesn’t have to think big. Their collective actions are so big they can power the impact our world needs.

I am really hoping that The 52 Little Ideas WITH Big Consequences book will showcase enough Innovators and Initiators and the book itself will serve as a motivator to inspire the participators that whatever little they can do and do consistently they can affect great change.

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