Monday, April 19, 2010

Giving and Getting

Quite often I run into people who have a real problem with Giving and then Getting something in return.  I was brought up Catholic so I know where some of this guilt comes from.  But if you truly investigate this further, even by reading Biblical passages, you will find that this it is a ludicrous myth about giving without expectation.

If you give and you get, you can now give again.  It is that simple!

In fact the whole cycle of giving and getting or reciprocity is birthed into our very being.  We can’t simply breathe out without first breathing in.  And if we only breathe in (Get) and never breathe out we will die.  Likewise if we only breathe out (Give) and never breathe in we will die.

So if you have a hang up with giving and doing good and getting something for it; get over it!  Humanity needs you to do that.  Charities have been taking from us and giving it all away and then they need to come back again and ask for more which is why most of us are suffering with Donor Fatigue a term I first heard from my good friend Charlie Stuart Gay who founded Humanity Unites Brilliance or HUB as it is fondly known as.

So what’s the answer?  Through this blog I have been preparing you to understand what the new world order is shifting towards.  I started to use a term a while back and I may have been the first one to use it but that doesn’t matter.  That term is Philanthro-Capitalism.  And I invite you to read about that next!

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