Sunday, May 2, 2010


Some call it Social Business and others call it Social Enterprise and I have even heard the term Compassionate Commerce to describe businesses who profit while doing good.

I call it Philanthro-Capitalism – Doing Well while Doing Good.  While I may have come up with the term Philanthro-Capitalism, the phrase ‘Doing Well while Doing Good’ was originated by Spryte Loriano, one of the founders of Humanity Unites Brilliance.

Having been a Venture Capitalist or a Vulture Capitalist as some would say, it is much more satisfying to the spirit to find a way to give while you get.

One just has to look at what companies like Starbucks has done in Rwanda which was racked by tribal warfare and bloodshed beyond comprehension not very long ago. Today that country is doing extremely well as Starbucks has led the way in fair trade with the people there.

Humanity Unites Brilliance is another company that has a Global Marketplace where they sell fair trade products produced in Kenya and other African countries.  As the company grows there will be products from India and South America.

And recently I heard about a company called Ethical Ocean that through its vendors on the site sell ethical products that people can feel good using.

One Little Idea is that each of us can change little things we do to change the world a little bit at a time.  The next time you give a gift why not purchase an ethical or fair trade product?  You would feel good; the person receiving the gift would feel good and the people who benefit from your purchase live a little bit better.  If each time you give a gift, you give a lift to someone in greater need than you, that little change multiplied can have massive consequences.

Here is the magic that changes the world.  Each person whose quality of life gets better raises our quality of life.  As they begin to fend for themselves not only does their self esteem rise but the amount of aid they require is far less.  That aid can then be turned inward within our own countries to solve problems our societies face like homelessness, abused women and children and a myriad of other issues.  A rising tide raises all boats so don’t ever let anyone tell you that if they do better we will do worse. No way!


  1. I agree and practice this when I shop. I love the idea that people are consciously applying a higher way of thinking into business. Just by being aware of where our money is actually going gives us a choice to begin with. Those of us that care enough will always choose the betterment of all man kind. I feel it is up to all of us to help the unaware become aware of "choice" and how each of us in our daily lives can make a huge difference. So, thank you Allan, for standing up for that change.

  2. Thank you Sadie for this awesome comment. You know that it is comments like these that validate what we all believe in. So thanks for following and I hope to hear more of your views on this blog.
